Responsibilities of an American Legion Auxiliary Historian
ALA History Committee: The recording of the American Legion Auxiliary’s history at all levels (unit, district/county/council, department, and national) is important so that everyone will know who we are, what we do, and why we matter.
Other responsibilities of a historian are:
- Assist in developing a system to archive important communications such as newsletters, handbooks, guidebooks, brochures, and program information.
- Participate in and promote the “Members Remember” history project.
- Work with the Junior Activities chairman to promote the History Patch available to Junior members in 9th – 12th grades.
- Encourage Senior and Junior historians to participate in the Veterans History Project
Important Dates:
- March – National Women’s History Month
Unit Report due to Department Chair: April 15.
- Department Chairman Report due to National Historian: May 15.
- July 10 – Senior and Junior Department histories are to be submitted to your respective National Division Vice President
Historian Program Awards
- Best Department Senior History
- Best Department Junior History
- Certificate presented to each department Senior historian who forwards a copy of a veteran’s history using the Veterans History Project
- Certificate presented to each department Senior historian who participates in the “Member’s Remember” history project.
- Certificate presented to each department Junior historian who forwards a copy of veteran’s history using the Veterans History Project
- Certificate presented to each department Junior historian who helps Senior members record their Auxiliary memories for the “Member’s Remember” history project.
Contact the Alaska Department of the American Legion Auxiliary or American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters to learn more.