Promote, Recruit and Sponsor

The American Legion Auxiliary Girls State Program is a weeklong nonpartisan program developed from the concept that our youth be offered an objective perspective of the practical operation of government; that the individual is an integral part and responsible for the character and success of our government.

To elaborate “American Legion Auxiliary Alaska Girls State is an objective citizenship-training program which can be classified as a Leadership Action Program where qualified High School Juniors take part in a practical government and to impress upon them the fact their government is just what THEY make it. This program teaches our youth responsible citizenship and love for God and Country. Since the inception of this program in 1937 nearly on million participants have had the opportunity to learn firsthand how their local and state government works. High school girls who have completed their junior year spend an intensive week of studying and working together as self-governing citizens. These participants learn government by actually creating a mythical state through the elections of public officials on local county and state levels and then by carrying out the duties of these respective offices.

As can be imagined, a program of this scope encompasses many objectives all of which are important. We have outlined those which we, the American Legion Auxiliary, feel are the most important and for which we strive the hardest.


ALA Girls State Reporting

Mid-Year Reports – There are no Mid-Year Reports this year.

Year-End Reports – Annual reports reflect the program work of the Units in our Department, and may result in a National award, if award requirements are met. Each Unit is required to submit a narrative report to the Department National Security Chairman.

In the narrative section please explain how your Unit worked this program this year including answers to the following:

  • How did you promote this committee within your unit?
  • How did your unit encourage support of this committee by its members?
  • How did your unit support the purpose of the committee?
  • How did your unit promote the program within their community?

In the statistical section of the report, please provide a total for unit of the following:

Total for year

  • How many members involved
  • How many hours they put in
  • How many people benefitted
  • How much money was spent
  • How much money was raised

Scholarship/Program Opportunities:

ALA Girls Nation: Two American Legion Auxiliary Alaska Girls State Citizens will be chosen to represent Alaska at ALA Girls Nation. Both will receive a $2000.00 scholarship from the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Alaska. (Must attend full program.) Two American Legion Auxiliary Alaska Girls State Citizens will be chosen to be alternates to represent Alaska at ALA Girls Nation. Both will receive a $1000.00 scholarship from the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Alaska. (Must attend full program.)

Samsung Scholarship: The Samsung Group, an international electronics company, has endowed a scholarship fund of $5 million to be administered by the American Legion.

Eligibility “ Student must be a high school junior and a direct descendent (i.e. child, grandchild, great-grandchild or a legally adopted child) of a U.S. veteran who served during war time. Students must participate and complete either an American Legion Boys State or an American Legion Auxiliary Girls State program.

An application should be given to each participant of the programs. Each program selects one application to forward to the American Legion Headquarters. These applications become national finalist and are reviewed by the National selection committee each fall. National winners usually receive a $10,000.00 scholarship. Each national finalist will receive up to $1,000.00 scholarship if he/she is not selected as a national scholarship winner.

American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation Program: Two citizens are selected from each American Legion Auxiliary Girls State Program to attend the American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation program each year. American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation Senators meet for a week in Washington D.C., where they run or political office, campaign for the passage of legislation and meet with Congressmen and Senators from their states. Capping off the week of American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation is a possible meeting of the President of the United States at the White House.

Contact our Girls State Chair: